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Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters

The image with air, watch, meter, pump Milkovasa - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.

Great! You have found the answer for pixwords image that gave you trouble. Under the picture below is the answer PixWords.

air, watch, meter, pump Milkovasa - Dreamstime
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pump1top: jet pumpbottom: centrifugal pumppump 1  (pŭmp)n.1. A machine or device for raising, compressing, or transferring fluids.2. Physiology A molecular mechanism for the active transport of ions or molecules across a cell membrane.3. Physics Electromagnetic radiation used to raise atoms or molecules to a higher energy level.4. Informal The heart.5. Informal The place where consumers purchase gasoline. Used with the: gas prices rising at the pump.v. pumped, pump·ing, pumps v.tr.1. To cause to flow by means of a pump or pumplike organ or device: Derricks pumped oil out of the ground. The heart pumps blood throughout the body.2. To draw, deliver, or pour forth: a writer who pumped out a new novel every year.3. To propel, eject, or insert: pumped new life into the economy.4. To cause to move with an up-and-down or back-and-forth motion: a bicyclist pumping the pedals; a piston pumping a shaft.5. To push or pull (a brake or lever, for instance) rapidly: a driver pumping the brakes.6. To shoot (bullets, for example) at or into: a gunner pumping rounds at a target.7. Physics To raise (atoms or molecules) to a higher energy level by exposing them to electromagnetic radiation at a resonant frequency.8. Physiology To transport (ions or molecules) against a conc
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See also these pixwords answers:
hands, shake, fingers Andres Rodriguez - Dreamstime
black, car, wheel Zash - Dreamstime
plant, half, cut, green Anna Sedneva - Dreamstime
moon, bats, house, night, spooky, creepy Vanda Grigorovic - Dreamstime
kids, toys, play, children Ruslan Huzau - Dreamstime
ice, hockey, puck, game, black, object Vaclav Volrab (Vencavolrab)
flower, pink Flynt - Dreamstime

Replies PixWords was created to help you when you get stuck on a word. You have the option to search by the number of letters in a word, the author of the image, or words that come to your mind when you look at the picture.
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