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Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters

The image with water, coral, float, floating, red, sponge Sunju1004 - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.

Great! You have found the answer for pixwords image that gave you trouble. Under the picture below is the answer PixWords.

water, coral, float, floating, red, sponge Sunju1004 - Dreamstime
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coraltop: brain coralPlatygyra daedaleabottom: gorgonian coralParamuricea clavatacoralcor·al  (kôr′əl, kŏr′-)n.1. a. A rocklike deposit consisting of the calcareous skeletons secreted by various marine invertebrates, chiefly anthozoans. Coral deposits often accumulate to form reefs or islands in warm seas.b. A polyp or colony of polyps of any of the numerous anthozoans that secrete a hard or flexible skeleton, especially the reef-building hard corals.c. A polyp or colony of polyps of any of various hydrozoans that secrete hard skeletons, such as the fire corals.d. The hard skeleton of various corals, especially of red corals of the genus Corallium, used to make jewelry and ornaments.e. An object made of this material.2. A deep or strong pink to moderate red or reddish orange.3. The unfertilized eggs of a female lobster, which turn a reddish color when cooked.adj. Of a deep or strong pink to moderate red or reddish orange.[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin corallium, from Greek korallion.]
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See also these pixwords answers:
water, land, shore, cliff Nikita Rogul - Dreamstime
board, metal, scratches, scratch Deviney - Dreamstime
lion, man, circle, circus, animal Danilo Sanino - Dreamstime
light, way, water, blue, white Pedro Campos - Dreamstime
animal, forest, nature Judy Whitton - Dreamstime
fire, green, grass, rocks, nature Deniskelly - Dreamstime
flowers, three, clean, gray, purple, pink, brown, soft Hong Chan - Dreamstime

Replies PixWords was created to help you when you get stuck on a word. You have the option to search by the number of letters in a word, the author of the image, or words that come to your mind when you look at the picture.
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