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Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters

The image with cross, painting, sky, yellow Lenora . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.

Great! You have found the answer for pixwords image that gave you trouble. Under the picture below is the answer PixWords.

cross, painting, sky, yellow Lenora
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crosstop: Maltese and St. Andrew'scenter: patriarchal, Greek, and taubottom: Latin, Calvary, and Celticcross  (krôs, krŏs)n.1. a. An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times.b. often Cross The cross upon which Jesus was crucified.c. A crucifix.d. Any of various modifications of the cross design, such as a Latin cross or Maltese cross.e. A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of a cross.2. Cross The Christian religion; Christianity.3. Christianity The sign of the cross.4. A trial, affliction, or frustration. See Synonyms at burden.5. A mark or pattern formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such a mark (X) used as a signature.6. A movement from one place to another, as on a stage; a crossing.7. A pipe fitting with four branches in upright and transverse form, used as a junction for intersecting pipes.8. Biology A plant or animal produced by crossbreeding; a hybrid.9. One that combines the qualities of two other things: a novel that is a cross between romance and satire.10. Sports a. A hook thrown over an opponent's punch in boxing.b. A pass made into the center of the field to a player in position to score, especially in soccer.11. Law An act or instance of cross-examining; a cross-exami
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See also these pixwords answers:
skull, man, black, weird Dietmar Höpfl - Dreamstime
hand, broken, broken hand, person Paul Jantz (Digitalreflections)
fish, ocean, sea Andy Keylock - Dreamstime
sign, sixty, road Balazs Czitrovszky - Dreamstime
hand, wall, bricks Andreus - Dreamstime
woman, hair, girl Ekaterina Pokrovskaya (Vedmochka)
chives, green, plant, vegetable, vegetables, tag, wood stockcreations

Replies PixWords was created to help you when you get stuck on a word. You have the option to search by the number of letters in a word, the author of the image, or words that come to your mind when you look at the picture.
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